Wodgina Lithium Project – Structural DesignWe worked literally alongside the MRL (Mineral Resources) team using our “Engineers…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
DAMPIER SALT – CV007 Stacker – boom structure RedesignProject Background: The CV007 fixed stacker was originally installed in 2006 and…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
Pilbara 220 Kv Transmission LineProject Background: The project consisted of a 220 kV dual-circuit transmission line…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
NEWMONT TANAMI EXPANSION 2Project Background: Newmont awarded a $24 million contract to ABB for its…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
BUNBURY & KEMERTON WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTProject Background: Spirac won the design and fabrication of two silos and…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
ONSLOW IRON PORT – CONCRETE WORKS – PRELIMINARY DESIGNProject Background: Mineral Resources (MinRes) was planning to ramp up its iron…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
South Flank Iron Ore ProjectProject Background: Construction at South Flank began in July 2018, the mine…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
Thunderbox Expansion ProjectProject Background: GR Engineering Services was awarded additional work by Saracen Mineral…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
BGC VOYAGER II QUARRYProject Background: A structural audit of the crushing plant had been carried…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
OK TEDI MININGProject Background: OTML’s Processing Business Unit introduced the Structural Remediation Project Division…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
PEAK GOLD MINEProject Background: Aurelia Metals Ltd had acquired the Peak Gold Mines, located…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
MT Webber MineProject Background: BGC operated a 6mtpa Iron Ore processing plant at Mt…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
Tropicana Bins Structural AssessmentProject Background: New drop in liners panels had been proposed to be…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
CSA Mine – Structural Condition MonitoringThe coarse ore bins at our client’s site are over 60 years…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study
Tropicana Gold Mine – Head Chute Structural WearA beam supporting a bin feed conveyor head end and chute had…See MoreRead Case StudyRead Case Study